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D.12 Strong Name Utility (sn.exe)

The Strong Name Utility (sn.exe) guarantees unique names for shared components because these components will end up in the GAC. Each shared component is signed with a private key and published with the public key. Table D-11 shows some common uses of sn.exe.

Table D-11. Strong Name Utility common uses




This option displays more command-line help.

-d keycontainer

This option is used to remove the keycontainer from the CSP.

-i keyfile keycontainer

This option reads the key pair in keyfile and installs it in the key container keycontainer in the Cryptographic Service Provider (CSP).

-k keyfile

This option generates a new key pair and writes it to keyfile.

-v assembly

This option is used to verify the shared name in an assembly.

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