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The folks at O'Reilly never cease to amaze us with the support that they provide. We'd like to thank O'Reilly executive editor John Osborn for extending us the contract to write this book and for his continuous support throughout the project. Thanks to O'Reilly editor Nancy Kotary for making the first and second editions of this book such a success. We'd also like to thank O'Reilly editor Valerie Quercia who did a fine job reviewing our materials and coordinating the project for this third edition.

We'd like to give many thanks to the production and design folks at O'Reilly for making this book a reality: Emma Colby, David Futato, Matt Hutchinson, Robert Romano, and Ellie Volckhausen.

We'd like to thank Brian Jepson, who has contributed significantly to this book since the beginning of the project. Brian did an unquestionably outstanding job reading, testing, and ensuring that the technical content in every chapter lined up with the latest release. He also gave us invaluable guidance and support throughout the project. We'd like to thank Matthew MacDonald for the same reason, since he's been providing invaluable feedback and recommendations in the third edition. We'd also like to thank Dennis Angeline and Brad Merrill at Microsoft for answering technical questions on the CLR and languages.

Thuan Thai

I would like to thank my parents, siblings, and Ut Nga for their constant support during this project.

Hoang Q. Lam

I would like to thank my parents and family for their support and understanding of my being missing-in-action for several months. Mom and Dad, your ongoing efforts to put your children where they are today can never be repaid.

I would like to thank my wife, Van Du, and daughter, Nina. Your smiles mean the world to me. Don't underestimate your contribution to this book.

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