This subclass of Image encapsulates a picture
represented by a 2D array of pixel data. It supports a range of
PixelFormats, including both true-color and
palette-color bitmaps, and those with an alpha channel for
A Bitmap conceptually represents a system bitmap
and is ultimately implemented through a native GDI+ bitmap handle. As
with most drawing classes that wrap limited resources
(Pen and Brush being other
examples), you should have a well-defined lifetime management plan,
calling Dispose() when you are finished to
release the resources back to the system (the
using idiom in C# is useful here: see the main
body of the text for details). If you rely on the garbage collector
to do this, the Bitmap object will be collected
but its pixel data will be leaked until the garbage collector happens
to run, which may be too late.
There are several ways to construct a Bitmap
object. One of the most is common is to provide the filename of the
picture that you want to load. The framework will use the installed
CODECs (BMP, PNG, JPG, and GIF) to attempt to load the image. Note
that the file itself will remain locked until the
Bitmap that loaded it is disposed. However, you
can Clone() the bitmap and Dispose() the original to release the file.
Alternatively, you can construct bitmaps of a specific size and
PixelFormat, or bitmaps compatible with a
particular Graphics surface. You can also
construct from another Image (optionally rescaling
the original in the process), or from a block of pixel data
referenced via an IntPtr. The latter is most
useful in interop scenarios, as are the static methods
FromHicon() and FromResource(), which return a Bitmap wrapper for
Win32 icons and bitmap resources. (By preference, you would use the
Icon class instead, for a fully managed solution.)
You can also Clone() a specific
Rectangle from a Bitmap,
optionally changing its PixelFormat in the
process, or use the override of GetThumbnailImage() to retrieve a smaller version of the original. This
method does expose its unmanaged origins somewhat, inconveniently
requiring you to pass an Abort delegate that is
required to do nothing, and a null pointer
(IntPtr.Zero). It is recommended that you use the
rescaling constructor instead.
You can manipulate the image using the GetPixel()
and SetPixel() methods, but this is not
especially efficient! A better approach for image processing is to
use the LockBits() method to retrieve a
BitmapData object, which allows direct access to
the underlying pixel data. LockBits() actually
ensures that the pixel data is fixed into system memory, and will not
move while you are using it. For heavy duty processing, you would
typically hand this off through interop to an unmanaged routine, but
managed code will often perform adequately if care is taken with the
selection of the processing algorithm, and you are prepared to
support unsafe code in your assembly. When you have finished, you can
use UnlockBits() to unlock the pixel data again.
There are a couple of built-in manipulation functions, including
RotateFlip() to let you perform fixed rotations
and flipping, and MakeTransparent(), which lets
you make a selected color transparent when drawing the image. Classes
providing more advanced manipulation of the bitmap can be found in
the System.Drawing.Imaging namespace.
To draw an image on a Graphics surface, use
Graphics.DrawImage() and
Graphics.DrawImageUnscaled(). The
Graphics.CompositingQuality, and
Graphics.InterpolationMode determine how the pixel
data will be drawn onto the surface.
If you want to paint onto the Bitmap itself, you
can use Graphics.FromImage() to create a
Graphics surface bound to the bitmap object. Any
painting on that surface will be reflected on the
public sealed class Bitmap : Image {
// Public Constructors
public Bitmap(Image original);
public Bitmap(Image original, int width, int height);
public Bitmap(Image original, Size newSize);
public Bitmap(int width, int height);
public Bitmap(int width, int height, Graphics g);
public Bitmap(int width, int height, int stride, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat format, IntPtr scan0);
public Bitmap(int width, int height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat format);
public Bitmap(System.IO.Stream stream);
public Bitmap(System.IO.Stream stream, bool useIcm);
public Bitmap(string filename);
public Bitmap(string filename, bool useIcm);
public Bitmap(Type type, string resource);
// Public Static Methods
public static Bitmap FromHicon(IntPtr hicon);
public static Bitmap FromResource(IntPtr hinstance, string bitmapName);
// Public Instance Methods
public Bitmap Clone(RectangleF rect, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat format);
public Bitmap Clone(Rectangle rect, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat format);
public IntPtr GetHbitmap();
public IntPtr GetHbitmap(Color background);
public IntPtr GetHicon();
public Color GetPixel(int x, int y);
public BitmapData LockBits(Rectangle rect, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode flags,
System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat format);
public void MakeTransparent();
public void MakeTransparent(Color transparentColor);
public void SetPixel(int x, int y, Color color);
public void SetResolution(float xDpi, float yDpi);
public void UnlockBits(System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData bitmapdata);