System.Drawing (system.drawing.dll) | struct |
A member of the family of basic geometry types, this value is the
floating-point equivalent of the integer-based
Size structure.
It provides all the functionality of the integer version, plus a
ToSize() member, which uses truncation to perform
the conversion.
public struct SizeF {
// Public Constructors
public SizeF(PointF pt);
public SizeF(float width, float height);
public SizeF(SizeF size);
// Public Static Fields
public static readonly SizeF Empty; // = {Width=0, Height=0}
// Public Instance Properties
public float Height{set; get; }
public bool IsEmpty{get; }
public float Width{set; get; }
// Public Static Methods
public static SizeF operator -(SizeF sz1, SizeF sz2);
public static SizeF operator +(SizeF sz1, SizeF sz2);
public static bool operator !=(SizeF sz1, SizeF sz2);
public static bool operator ==(SizeF sz1, SizeF sz2);
public static explicit operator PointF(SizeF size);
// Public Instance Methods
public override bool Equals(object obj); // overrides ValueType
public override int GetHashCode(); // overrides ValueType
public PointF ToPointF();
public Size ToSize();
public override string ToString(); // overrides ValueType
System.Object System.ValueType
Returned By
Passed To
RectangleF.{Inflate(), RectangleF(), Size}, Size.{Ceiling(), Round(), Truncate()}