This class is the day-to-day workhorse of the GDI+ world. If you
cannot find the brush you need in SystemBrushes or
Brushes, and you don't need the
fancy effects of the options found in
System.Drawing.Drawing2D, you will be using
instances of this class (derived from Brush) to
fill solid areas of color in your shapes, including the font stroke
color when painting text. You can construct an instance from a
Color value, and can also set and retrieve the
Color through a property of that name over the
lifetime of the object.
As with most GDI+ resources, this implements
IDisposable and must therefore have its lifetime
managed carefully, calling Dispose() when you are
finished with it. As with other examples, the C#
using idiom is useful here.
public sealed class SolidBrush : Brush : System.Drawing.Internal.ISystemColorTracker {
// Public Constructors
public SolidBrush(Color color);
// Public Instance Properties
public Color Color{set; get; }
// Public Instance Methods
public override object Clone(); // overrides Brush
// Protected Instance Methods
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing); // overrides Brush