This class, derived from CustomLineCap, provides
an arrow-like start- or endcap for a path or line. Unlike the default
endcaps, you have control over the shape and size of the arrow.
In addition to functionality of the base class, you can specify
whether the arrow is Filled or
Hollow, along with the Width
and Height of the arrow head itself. In addition,
the MiddleInset property allows you to adjust the
"barbs" of the arrow.
public sealed class AdjustableArrowCap : CustomLineCap {
// Public Constructors
public AdjustableArrowCap(float width, float height);
public AdjustableArrowCap(float width, float height, bool isFilled);
// Public Instance Properties
public bool Filled{set; get; }
public float Height{set; get; }
public float MiddleInset{set; get; }
public float Width{set; get; }