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System.Drawing.Imaging (system.drawing.dll)enum

This enumeration lists the various formats that can be used for pixel image data. It is most commonly used when constructing a System.Drawing.Bitmap object and when locking the bitmap data with the System.Drawing.Bitmap.LockBits() method.

public enum PixelFormat {
   DontCare = 0,
   Undefined = 0,
   Max = 15,
   Indexed = 65536,
   Gdi = 131072,
   Format16bppRgb555 = 135173,
   Format16bppRgb565 = 135174,
   Format24bppRgb = 137224,
   Format32bppRgb = 139273,
   Format1bppIndexed = 196865,
   Format4bppIndexed = 197634,
   Format8bppIndexed = 198659,
   Alpha = 262144,
   Format16bppArgb1555 = 397319,
   PAlpha = 524288,
   Format32bppPArgb = 925707,
   Extended = 1048576,
   Format16bppGrayScale = 1052676,
   Format48bppRgb = 1060876,
   Format64bppPArgb = 1851406,
   Canonical = 2097152,
   Format32bppArgb = 2498570,
   Format64bppArgb = 3424269


System.Object System.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparabl, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible) PixelFormat

Returned By

System.Drawing.Image.PixelFormat, BitmapData.PixelFormat

Passed To

System.Drawing.Bitmap.{Bitmap(), Clone(), LockBits()}, System.Drawing.Image.{GetPixelFormatSize(), IsAlphaPixelFormat(), IsCanonicalPixelFormat(), IsExtendedPixelFormat()}, BitmapData.PixelFormat

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