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System.Drawing.Printing (system.drawing.dll)enum

This enumeration allows you to determine how access to the printing services can be restricted. You can allow full access with AllPrinting, no access with NoPrinting, or one of two restricted settings: SafePrinting, which only allows printing through a (restricted) dialog box, and DefaultPrinting, which extends these permissions to allow full access to the default printer.

public enum PrintingPermissionLevel {
   NoPrinting = 0,
   SafePrinting = 1,
   DefaultPrinting = 2,
   AllPrinting = 3


System.Object System.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparabl, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible) PrintingPermissionLevel

Returned By

PrintingPermission.Level, PrintingPermissionAttribute.Level

Passed To

PrintingPermission.{Level, PrintingPermission()}, PrintingPermissionAttribute.Level

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