This class represents a bag of BindingManagerBase
objects for a set of data bound controls. You can retrieve the
BindingContext for a Control
using the Control.BindingContext member. You can
retrieve the binding manager for a particular child control using
Item (this is the indexer property).
The BindingContext class Add()
and Remove() methods, which allow you to add (or
remove) a new binding manager for a data source, are actually
protected. To create additional binding managers for a container
BindingContext, you create a new
BindingContext object and assign it to the
Control.BindingContext of your child control(s).
This has the effect of creating a new binding manager in the
parent's BindingContext.
See Binding for more information about the
data-binding hierarchy.
public class BindingContext : ICollection, IEnumerable {
// Public Constructors
public BindingContext();
// Public Instance Properties
public bool IsReadOnly{get; }
public BindingManagerBase this{get; }
public BindingManagerBase this{get; }
// Public Instance Methods
public bool Contains(object dataSource);
public bool Contains(object dataSource, string dataMember);
// Protected Instance Methods
protected internal void Add(object dataSource, BindingManagerBase listManager);
protected virtual void AddCore(object dataSource, BindingManagerBase listManager);
protected internal void Clear();
protected virtual void ClearCore();
protected virtual void OnCollectionChanged(System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventArgs ccevent);
protected internal void Remove(object dataSource);
protected virtual void RemoveCore(object dataSource);
// Events
public event CollectionChangeEventHandler CollectionChanged;