This class wraps the set of parameters passed to a Win32 window in
its CreateWindow() or CreateWindowEx() function. If you are wrapping a Win32 control with your
own managed Control, you can override the
Control.CreateParams member to return a modified
set of creation attributes. You should not use this class under any
other circumstances.
public class CreateParams {
// Public Constructors
public CreateParams();
// Public Instance Properties
public string Caption{set; get; }
public string ClassName{set; get; }
public int ClassStyle{set; get; }
public int ExStyle{set; get; }
public int Height{set; get; }
public object Param{set; get; }
public IntPtr Parent{set; get; }
public int Style{set; get; }
public int Width{set; get; }
public int X{set; get; }
public int Y{set; get; }
// Public Instance Methods
public override string ToString(); // overrides object