This class represents a bag of Binding objects for
a list-like data source. List-like objects (such as arrays,
collections, and System.Data.DataTable objects)
implement IList,
System.ComponentModel.IListSource, or
System.ComponentModel.IBindingList. Compare this
with PropertyManager that deals with simple
It maintains the concept of the Current item in
the list. When the current item is changed (by setting the
Position property, or because the
event was raised), all the objects bound to the data source through
the Binding objects are updated with the new
value. (See Binding for details on how this update
can be controlled through the Parse and
Format events).
Note that the standard controls such as ListBox
and DataGrid will update the
Position automatically as the UI selection
See Binding for more information on the
data-binding hierarchy.
public class CurrencyManager : BindingManagerBase {
// Protected Instance Fields
protected Type finalType;
protected int listposition;
// Public Instance Properties
public override int Count{get; } // overrides BindingManagerBase
public override object Current{get; } // overrides BindingManagerBase
public IList List{get; }
public override int Position{set; get; } // overrides BindingManagerBase
// Public Instance Methods
public override void AddNew(); // overrides BindingManagerBase
public override void CancelCurrentEdit(); // overrides BindingManagerBase
public override void EndCurrentEdit(); // overrides BindingManagerBase
public override PropertyDescriptorCollection GetItemProperties(); // overrides BindingManagerBase
public void Refresh();
public override void RemoveAt(int index); // overrides BindingManagerBase
public override void ResumeBinding(); // overrides BindingManagerBase
public override void SuspendBinding(); // overrides BindingManagerBase
// Protected Instance Methods
protected void CheckEmpty();
protected internal override string GetListName(
System.Collections.ArrayList listAccessors); // overrides BindingManagerBase
protected internal override void OnCurrentChanged(EventArgs e); // overrides BindingManagerBase
protected virtual void OnItemChanged(ItemChangedEventArgs e);
protected virtual void OnPositionChanged(EventArgs e);
protected override void UpdateIsBinding(); // overrides BindingManagerBase
// Events
public event ItemChangedEventHandler ItemChanged;