GridColumnStylesCollection | marshal by reference |
System.Windows.Forms ( | class |
This typed collection class represents the list of
GridColumnStyles in a
GridTableStylesCollection object. As you might
expect from a collection, you can Add() and
Remove() objects, find the IndexOf() a particular object, or the Item at a
particular index (this is the indexer property).
See DataGrid for more information about columns,
tables, and grids.
public class GridColumnStylesCollection : BaseCollection : IList {
// Public Instance Properties
public DataGridColumnStyle this{get; }
public DataGridColumnStyle this{get; }
public DataGridColumnStyle this{get; }
// Protected Instance Properties
protected override ArrayList List{get; }
// overrides BaseCollection
// Public Instance Methods
public virtual int Add(DataGridColumnStyle column);
public void AddRange(DataGridColumnStyle[ ] columns);
public void Clear(); // implements IList
public bool Contains(DataGridColumnStyle column);
public bool Contains(System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor propDesc);
public bool Contains(string name);
public int IndexOf(DataGridColumnStyle element);
public void Remove(DataGridColumnStyle column);
public void RemoveAt(int index); // implements IList
public void ResetPropertyDescriptors();
// Protected Instance Methods
protected void OnCollectionChanged(System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventArgs ccevent);
// Events
public event CollectionChangeEventHandler CollectionChanged;
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