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System.Windows.Forms (

Similar to the InputLanguageChangedEventArgs, this encapsulates the same information but for the InputLanguageChanging event, which is raised before the input language is changed, giving you an opportunity to Cancel it.

public class InputLanguageChangingEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs {
// Public Constructors
   public InputLanguageChangingEventArgs(System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, bool sysCharSet);
   public InputLanguageChangingEventArgs(InputLanguage inputLanguage, bool sysCharSet);
// Public Instance Properties
   public CultureInfo Culture{get; }
   public InputLanguage InputLanguage{get; }
   public bool SysCharSet{get; }


System.Object System.EventArgs System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs InputLanguageChangingEventArgs

Passed To

Form.OnInputLanguageChanging(), InputLanguageChangingEventHandler.{BeginInvoke(), Invoke()}

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