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System.Windows.Forms (

This encapsulates the data for Control.KeyDown and Control.KeyUp events. Unlike the Control.KeyPress event, you can retrieve raw, unprocessed key data for the event.

You can retrieve the state of the modifier keys through the Alt, Control, and Shift properties. The actual KeyCode can be retrieved, which can be directly compared for equality with an entry in the Keys enumeration. The KeyData is similar, but also includes the modifier key status in the upper 4 bits, so you should compare using the & operator. You can also retrieve the KeyValue, which is an integer representation of the KeyData (i.e., the raw value that came from the OS). Finally, you can retrieve the Modifiers only.

If you do not wish to process the event further, you can set the Handled property to true.

public class KeyEventArgs : EventArgs {
// Public Constructors
   public KeyEventArgs(Keys keyData);
// Public Instance Properties
   public virtual bool Alt{get; }
   public bool Control{get; }
   public bool Handled{set; get; }
   public Keys KeyCode{get; }
   public Keys KeyData{get; }
   public int KeyValue{get; }
   public Keys Modifiers{get; }
   public virtual bool Shift{get; }


System.Object System.EventArgs KeyEventArgs

Passed To

Control.{OnKeyDown(), OnKeyUp(), RaiseKeyEvent()}, DataGrid.ProcessGridKey(), KeyEventHandler.{BeginInvoke(), Invoke()}, UpDownBase.OnTextBoxKeyDown()

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