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OpenFileDialogmarshal by reference, disposable

System.Windows.Forms ( class

This FileDialog class provides a means for a user to select a file to open. In addition to the base functionality, it adds an OpenFile() method, which will open a file Stream for the first selected file.

public sealed class OpenFileDialog : FileDialog {
// Public Constructors
   public OpenFileDialog();
// Public Instance Properties
   public override bool CheckFileExists{set; get; }
// overrides FileDialog
   public bool Multiselect{set; get; }
   public bool ReadOnlyChecked{set; get; }
   public bool ShowReadOnly{set; get; }
// Public Instance Methods
   public Stream OpenFile();
   public override void Reset();  // overrides FileDialog


System.Object System.MarshalByRefObject System.ComponentModel.Component(System.ComponentModel.IComponen, System.IDisposable) CommonDialog FileDialog OpenFileDialog

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