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NumericUpDownmarshal by reference, disposable

System.Windows.Forms (

This control combines a TextBox with an up-down button to select a number. If the ReadOnly property is set to true, you can only alter the number with the up-down buttons, but otherwise you can also type into the text box. If the user does type into the box, the ValidateEditText() method will be called, and the UserEdit property is set to true. Subsequent typing causes the UpdateEditText() method to be called, as for all controls derived from UpDownBase. You can override these methods in a derived class to validate user input.

You can specify the Value displayed in the box, in addition to a Text representation of that number. The number may also be displayed with a ThousandsSeparator (the character for which is determined by the Culture settings currently in operation), and you can select the number of DecimalPlaces to show. Alternatively, you can choose a Hexadecimal representation.

Finally, the range of the control is limited by the Minimum and Maximum properties, and the value that will be added or removed as the buttons are clicked is defined by the Increment property.

public class NumericUpDown : UpDownBase : System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize {
// Public Constructors
   public NumericUpDown();
// Public Instance Properties
   public int DecimalPlaces{set; get; }
   public bool Hexadecimal{set; get; }
   public decimal Increment{set; get; }
   public decimal Maximum{set; get; }
   public decimal Minimum{set; get; }
   public override string Text{set; get; }
// overrides UpDownBase
   public bool ThousandsSeparator{set; get; }
   public decimal Value{set; get; }
// Public Instance Methods
   public void BeginInit();  // implements System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize
   public override void DownButton();  // overrides UpDownBase
   public void EndInit();  // implements System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize
   public override string ToString();  // overrides System.ComponentModel.Component
   public override void UpButton();  // overrides UpDownBase
// Protected Instance Methods
   protected override AccessibleObject CreateAccessibilityInstance();
 // overrides Control
   protected override void OnTextBoxKeyPress(object source, KeyPressEventArgs e);  // overrides UpDownBase
   protected virtual void OnValueChanged(EventArgs e);
   protected void ParseEditText();
   protected override void UpdateEditText();  // overrides UpDownBase
   protected override void ValidateEditText();  // overrides UpDownBase
// Events
   public event EventHandler ValueChanged;


System.Object System.MarshalByRefObject System.ComponentModel.Component(System.ComponentModel.IComponen, System.IDisposable) Control(IOleContro, IOleObject, IOleInPlaceObject, IOleInPlaceActiveObject, IOleWindow, IViewObject, IViewObject2, IPersist, IPersistStreamInit, IPersistPropertyBag, IPersistStorage, IQuickActivate, System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke, IWin32Window) ScrollableControl ContainerControl(IContainerControl) UpDownBase NumericUpDown(System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)

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