This CommonDialog is used to determine which
portions of a document to print, on which printer.
You can enable and disable various bits of functionality with the
AllowSelection, AllowSomePages,
and ShowNetwork properties. The
PrintToFile member allows you to programmatically
switch between file and printer output.
The PrinterSettings to be modified can be
specified either through the Document, or
alternatively, you can choose a particular
PrinterSettings object to manipulate.
Finally, you can restore default settings with the Reset() method.
public sealed class PrintDialog : CommonDialog {
// Public Constructors
public PrintDialog();
// Public Instance Properties
public bool AllowPrintToFile{set; get; }
public bool AllowSelection{set; get; }
public bool AllowSomePages{set; get; }
public PrintDocument Document{set; get; }
public PrinterSettings PrinterSettings{set; get; }
public bool PrintToFile{set; get; }
public bool ShowHelp{set; get; }
public bool ShowNetwork{set; get; }
// Public Instance Methods
public override void Reset(); // overrides CommonDialog
// Protected Instance Methods
protected override bool RunDialog(IntPtr hwndOwner); // overrides CommonDialog