StatusBar | marshal by reference, disposable |
System.Windows.Forms ( | class |
This Control can be docked at the bottom of a form
to display either a simple Text string, or a
number of StatusBarPanel objects.
Initially, the status bar will not contain any panels, and text will
be displayed. You can Add() one or more
StatusBarPanel objects to the
Panels property and enable the
ShowPanels property, and it will display the
panels instead, aligned from left to right.
For resizable containers, you can optionally display a
SizingGrip in addition to the basic imagery.
Note that right-to-left reading forms will continue to display the
panels on the left and the grippy on the right, regardless of the
You can customize the rendering of the panels by binding to the
DrawItem event. Any
StatusBarPanel that is enabled for owner draw will
cause the StatusBar to raise this event. See
StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs for more information.
public class StatusBar : Control {
// Public Constructors
public StatusBar();
// Public Instance Properties
public override Color BackColor{set; get; }
// overrides Control
public override Image BackgroundImage{set; get; }
// overrides Control
public override DockStyle Dock{set; get; }
// overrides Control
public override Font Font{set; get; }
// overrides Control
public override Color ForeColor{set; get; }
// overrides Control
public ImeMode ImeMode{set; get; }
// overrides Control
public StatusBarPanelCollection Panels{get; }
public bool ShowPanels{set; get; }
public bool SizingGrip{set; get; }
public bool TabStop{set; get; }
// overrides Control
public override string Text{set; get; }
// overrides Control
// Protected Instance Properties
protected override CreateParams CreateParams{get; }
// overrides Control
protected override ImeMode DefaultImeMode{get; }
// overrides Control
protected override Size DefaultSize{get; }
// overrides Control
// Public Instance Methods
public override string ToString(); // overrides System.ComponentModel.Component
// Protected Instance Methods
protected override void CreateHandle(); // overrides Control
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing); // overrides Control
protected virtual void OnDrawItem(StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs sbdievent);
protected override void OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e); // overrides Control
protected override void OnHandleDestroyed(EventArgs e); // overrides Control
protected override void OnLayout(LayoutEventArgs levent); // overrides Control
protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e); // overrides Control
protected virtual void OnPanelClick(StatusBarPanelClickEventArgs e);
protected override void OnResize(EventArgs e); // overrides Control
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m); // overrides Control
// Events
public event StatusBarDrawItemEventHandler DrawItem;
public event PaintEventHandler Paint;
// overrides Control
public event StatusBarPanelClickEventHandler PanelClick;
Control(IOleContro, IOleObject,
IOleWindow, IViewObject,
IViewObject2, IPersist,
IWin32Window) StatusBar
Returned By
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