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System.Windows.Forms (

This utility class provides a large number of static properties that can give you information about the current system settings, such as the HorizontalScrollBarHeight and whether this is a DebugOS.

Note that some of these properties, such as ComputerName and UserName, are retrieved from corresponding environment variables and are therefore susceptible to spoofing, and should not be considered to be secure.

public class SystemInformation {
// Public Static Properties
   public static ArrangeDirection ArrangeDirection{get; }
   public static ArrangeStartingPosition ArrangeStartingPosition{get; }
   public static BootMode BootMode{get; }
   public static Size Border3DSize{get; }
   public static Size BorderSize{get; }
   public static Size CaptionButtonSize{get; }
   public static int CaptionHeight{get; }
   public static string ComputerName{get; }
   public static Size CursorSize{get; }
   public static bool DbcsEnabled{get; }
   public static bool DebugOS{get; }
   public static Size DoubleClickSize{get; }
   public static int DoubleClickTime{get; }
   public static bool DragFullWindows{get; }
   public static Size DragSize{get; }
   public static Size FixedFrameBorderSize{get; }
   public static Size FrameBorderSize{get; }
   public static bool HighContrast{get; }
   public static int HorizontalScrollBarArrowWidth{get; }
   public static int HorizontalScrollBarHeight{get; }
   public static int HorizontalScrollBarThumbWidth{get; }
   public static Size IconSize{get; }
   public static Size IconSpacingSize{get; }
   public static int KanjiWindowHeight{get; }
   public static Size MaxWindowTrackSize{get; }
   public static Size MenuButtonSize{get; }
   public static Size MenuCheckSize{get; }
   public static Font MenuFont{get; }
   public static int MenuHeight{get; }
   public static bool MidEastEnabled{get; }
   public static Size MinimizedWindowSize{get; }
   public static Size MinimizedWindowSpacingSize{get; }
   public static Size MinimumWindowSize{get; }
   public static Size MinWindowTrackSize{get; }
   public static int MonitorCount{get; }
   public static bool MonitorsSameDisplayFormat{get; }
   public static int MouseButtons{get; }
   public static bool MouseButtonsSwapped{get; }
   public static bool MousePresent{get; }
   public static bool MouseWheelPresent{get; }
   public static int MouseWheelScrollLines{get; }
   public static bool NativeMouseWheelSupport{get; }
   public static bool Network{get; }
   public static bool PenWindows{get; }
   public static Size PrimaryMonitorMaximizedWindowSize{get; }
   public static Size PrimaryMonitorSize{get; }
   public static bool RightAlignedMenus{get; }
   public static bool Secure{get; }
   public static bool ShowSounds{get; }
   public static Size SmallIconSize{get; }
   public static Size ToolWindowCaptionButtonSize{get; }
   public static int ToolWindowCaptionHeight{get; }
   public static string UserDomainName{get; }
   public static bool UserInteractive{get; }
   public static string UserName{get; }
   public static int VerticalScrollBarArrowHeight{get; }
   public static int VerticalScrollBarThumbHeight{get; }
   public static int VerticalScrollBarWidth{get; }
   public static Rectangle VirtualScreen{get; }
   public static Rectangle WorkingArea{get; }
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