The ToolTip component can provide pop-up tips: the
little yellow boxes that offer pithy assistance to the user if they
hover their mouse over a Control. It implements
System.ComponentModel.IExtenderProvider to provide
a ToolTip extender property for
Control objects on the design surface.
Programatically, you can use GetToolTip() and
SetToolTip() to specify the tip text for a
specific Control, and enable or disable the tips
with the Active property. You can clear the tips
with the RemoveAll() method.
The AutoPopDelay is the amount of time for which
the tip will show before it disappears.
The InitialDelay is the period for which the user
has to hover the mouse before the tip will appear.
The ReshowDelay is the amount of time that must
elapse between the user moving the cursor over another control and
the tool tip updating with the new tip text.
Instead of setting all these individual elements, you can set the
AutomaticDelay property. This sets each property
to a sensible number, based on the value you provide.
public sealed class ToolTip : System.ComponentModel.Component : System.ComponentModel.IExtenderProvider {
// Public Constructors
public ToolTip();
public ToolTip(System.ComponentModel.IContainer cont);
// Public Instance Properties
public bool Active{set; get; }
public int AutomaticDelay{set; get; }
public int AutoPopDelay{set; get; }
public int InitialDelay{set; get; }
public int ReshowDelay{set; get; }
public bool ShowAlways{set; get; }
// Public Instance Methods
public bool CanExtend(object target); // implements System.ComponentModel.IExtenderProvider
public string GetToolTip(Control control);
public void RemoveAll();
public void SetToolTip(Control control, string caption);
public override string ToString(); // overrides System.ComponentModel.Component
// Protected Instance Methods
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing); // overrides System.ComponentModel.Component
protected override void Finalize(); // overrides System.ComponentModel.Component