To provide a custom designer for a Component or
System.Windows.Forms.Control, you should decorate
the class with this attribute. (See
EditorAttribute for information on custom type
editors for a specific property within a component).
You can specify the DesignerTypeName: the name of
the type that implements the
System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesigner interface
on behalf of our designable class. You can also specify the base type
of the designer with DesignerBaseTypeName. While
this would default to
System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesigner, you can
specify a different
interface such as
public sealed class DesignerAttribute : Attribute {
// Public Constructors
public DesignerAttribute(string designerTypeName);
public DesignerAttribute(string designerTypeName, string designerBaseTypeName);
public DesignerAttribute(string designerTypeName, Type designerBaseType);
public DesignerAttribute(Type designerType);
public DesignerAttribute(Type designerType, Type designerBaseType);
// Public Instance Properties
public string DesignerBaseTypeName{get; }
public string DesignerTypeName{get; }
public override object TypeId{get; }
// overrides Attribute
// Public Instance Methods
public override bool Equals(object obj); // overrides Attribute
public override int GetHashCode(); // overrides Attribute