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System.ComponentModel (system.dll)interface

This interface is implemented by classes (such as Container) that hold and manage a set of Component objects. Contrast this with ISite, which binds a component to a host and provides the host's services to that component. It provides members to Add() and Remove( ) a Component, and also get the set of Components in the container.

public interface IContainer : IDisposable {
// Public Instance Properties
   public ComponentCollection Components{get; }
// Public Instance Methods
   public void Add(IComponent component);
   public void Add(IComponent component, string name);
   public void Remove(IComponent component);

Implemented By


Returned By

Component.Container, ISite.Container, ITypeDescriptorContext.Container, MarshalByValueComponent.Container

Passed To

System.Windows.Forms.ImageList.ImageList(), System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon.NotifyIcon(), System.Windows.Forms.Timer.Timer(), System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip.ToolTip()

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