uses this attribute to follow the hierarchy of components in the
You can use this attribute to specify the
InheritanceLevel of the property that it adorns.
Note that this inheritance does not mean class-level inheritance, but
rather that one Component exposes another
Component through a public property.
public sealed class InheritanceAttribute : Attribute {
// Public Constructors
public InheritanceAttribute();
public InheritanceAttribute(InheritanceLevel inheritanceLevel);
// Public Static Fields
public static readonly InheritanceAttribute Default; // =NotInherited
public static readonly InheritanceAttribute Inherited; // =Inherited
// =InheritedReadOnly
public static readonly InheritanceAttribute InheritedReadOnly;
public static readonly InheritanceAttribute NotInherited; // =NotInherited
// Public Instance Properties
public InheritanceLevel InheritanceLevel{get; }
// Public Instance Methods
public override bool Equals(object value); // overrides Attribute
public override int GetHashCode(); // overrides Attribute
public override bool IsDefaultAttribute(); // overrides Attribute
public override string ToString(); // overrides object