This class offers a set of static utility functions to support the
licensing of components.
You can retrieve the CurrentContext and the
UsageMode (to determine whether this is a runtime
or design-time context). You can lock and unlock the context for a
particular object, effectively disabling the ability to get license
information for that object, using the LockContext(
) and UnlockContext() methods.
To determine whether a particular object is licensed, you can use the
IsLicensed() method. IsValid(
) and Validate() determine whether a
valid license for an object can be granted. These methods use the
LicenseProvider for the class to obtain a
validated license.
Typically, a licensable class is adorned with the
LicenseProviderAttribute which indicates the type
of LicenseProvider to use. It then makes a call to
Validate() in its constructor, to ensure that a
suitable license is present for the current context.
public sealed class LicenseManager {
// Public Static Properties
public static LicenseContext CurrentContext{set; get; }
public static LicenseUsageMode UsageMode{get; }
// Public Static Methods
public static object CreateWithContext(Type type, LicenseContext creationContext);
public static object CreateWithContext(Type type, LicenseContext creationContext, object[] args);
public static bool IsLicensed(Type type);
public static bool IsValid(Type type);
public static bool IsValid(Type type, object instance, out License license);
public static void LockContext(object contextUser);
public static void UnlockContext(object contextUser);
public static License Validate(Type type, object instance);
public static void Validate(Type type);