You can mark a property with this attribute if it should cause its
parent property to be updated when updated itself. The
NotifyParent property determines whether the
parent should be notified.
For example, the System.Drawing.Size type has two
child properties, Width and
Height. If either of these properties is updated,
the parent should be updated.
public sealed class NotifyParentPropertyAttribute : Attribute {
// Public Constructors
public NotifyParentPropertyAttribute(bool notifyParent);
// Public Static Fields
public static readonly NotifyParentPropertyAttribute Default; // =System.ComponentModel.NotifyParentPropertyAttribute
public static readonly NotifyParentPropertyAttribute No; // =System.ComponentModel.NotifyParentPropertyAttribute
public static readonly NotifyParentPropertyAttribute Yes; // =System.ComponentModel.NotifyParentPropertyAttribute
// Public Instance Properties
public bool NotifyParent{get; }
// Public Instance Methods
public override bool Equals(object obj); // overrides Attribute
public override int GetHashCode(); // overrides Attribute
public override bool IsDefaultAttribute(); // overrides Attribute