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System.ComponentModel (system.dll)sealed class

You can adorn a class or property with this attribute to bind it to a particular TypeConverter class. The framework then uses this converter to attempt to translate a user-defined type that it doesn't understand into one that it does.

You can get the type name of the converter with the ConverterTypeName property.

public sealed class TypeConverterAttribute : Attribute {
// Public Constructors
   public TypeConverterAttribute();
   public TypeConverterAttribute(string typeName);
   public TypeConverterAttribute(Type type);
// Public Static Fields
   public static readonly TypeConverterAttribute Default;  // =System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute
// Public Instance Properties
   public string ConverterTypeName{get; }
// Public Instance Methods
   public override bool Equals(object obj);  // overrides Attribute
   public override int GetHashCode();  // overrides Attribute


System.Object System.Attribute TypeConverterAttribute

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