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System.Windows.Forms.Design (

This designer extends ControlDesigner to support Control objects that can contain child controls.

public class ParentControlDesigner : ControlDesigner : ISelectionUIHandler, IOleDragClient {
// Public Constructors
   public ParentControlDesigner();
// Protected Instance Properties
   protected virtual Point DefaultControlLocation{get; }
   protected virtual bool DrawGrid{set; get; }
   protected override bool EnableDragRect{get; }
// overrides ControlDesigner
   protected Size GridSize{set; get; }
// Protected Static Methods
   protected static void InvokeCreateTool(ParentControlDesigner toInvoke, System.Drawing.Design.ToolboxItem tool);
// Public Instance Methods
   public virtual bool CanParent(System.Windows.Forms.Control control);
   public virtual bool CanParent(ControlDesigner controlDesigner);
  // overrides ControlDesigner
// Protected Instance Methods
   protected void CreateTool(System.Drawing.Design.ToolboxItem tool);
   protected void CreateTool(System.Drawing.Design.ToolboxItem tool, System.Drawing.Point location);
   protected void CreateTool(System.Drawing.Design.ToolboxItem tool, System.Drawing.Rectangle bounds);
   protected virtual IComponent[ ] CreateToolCore(System.Drawing.Design.ToolboxItem tool, int x, 
        int y, int width, int height, bool hasLocation, bool hasSize);
  // overrides ControlDesigner
   protected Control GetControl(object component);
   protected Rectangle GetUpdatedRect(System.Drawing.Rectangle originalRect, System.Drawing.Rectangle dragRect, 
        bool updateSize);
  // overrides ControlDesigner
  // overrides ControlDesigner
  // overrides ControlDesigner
  // overrides ControlDesigner
  // overrides ControlDesigner
  // overrides ControlDesigner
  // overrides ControlDesigner
  // overrides ControlDesigner
  // overrides ControlDesigner
  // overrides ControlDesigner
  // overrides ControlDesigner
  // overrides ControlDesigner
  // overrides ControlDesigner
  // overrides ControlDesigner
  // overrides ControlDesigner


System.Object System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentDesigner(System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesign, System.IDisposable, System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerFilter) ControlDesigner ParentControlDesigner(ISelectionUIHandl, IOleDragClient)



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