XmlNodeList | System.Xml (system.xml.dll) CF 1.0 abstract class |
public abstract class XmlNodeList : IEnumerable {
// Protected Constructors
protected XmlNodeList( );
// Public Instance Properties
public abstract int Count{get; }
public virtual XmlNode this[ int i ]{get; }
// Public Instance Methods
public abstract IEnumerator GetEnumerator( ); // implements IEnumerable
public abstract XmlNode Item( int index);
} | |
This class is an enumerated
collection of nodes returned by
XmlDocument.GetElementsByTagName( ). Nodes
contained in the list can be retrieved by index or iterated through
via the IEnumerator returned by
GetEnumerator( ). Changes to the nodes in the list
are immediately reflected in the
XmlNodeList's properties and
methods. For example, if you add a sibling to a node in the list, it
appears in the list.
Returned By
XmlDocument.GetElementsByTagName( ),
XmlElement.GetElementsByTagName( ),
XmlNode.{ChildNodes, SelectNodes(