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XmlSchemaObjectTableSystem.Xml.Schema (system.xml.dll)    class 

public class XmlSchemaObjectTable {
// Public Instance Properties
   public int Count{get; } 
   public ICollection Names{get; } 
   public XmlSchemaObject this[ System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName name ]{get; } 
   public ICollection Values{get; } 
// Public Instance Methods
   public bool Contains( System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName name);  
   public IDictionaryEnumerator GetEnumerator( );  

This type represents a dictionary of XML Schema objects contained within other XML Schema objects. Its Item property, the indexer, provides access to an XmlSchemaObject by its XmlQualifiedName. The Names property returns an ICollection of XmlSchemaObjects representing the names of the elements of the collection, and the Values property returns an ICollection of XmlSchemaObjects representing the values. The GetEnumerator( ) method returns an IDictionaryEnumerator suitable for iterating over the values.

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