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SoapAttributesSystem.Xml.Serialization (system.xml.dll)    class 

public class SoapAttributes {
// Public Constructors
   public SoapAttributes( );  
   public SoapAttributes( System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider provider);  
// Public Instance Properties
   public SoapAttributeAttribute SoapAttribute{set; get; } 
   public object SoapDefaultValue{set; get; } 
   public SoapElementAttribute SoapElement{set; get; } 
   public SoapEnumAttribute SoapEnum{set; get; } 
   public bool SoapIgnore{set; get; } 
   public SoapTypeAttribute SoapType{set; get; } 

This type is used to add new attributes to a SoapAttributeOverrides object to control the serialization of an object instance at runtime. The SoapAttributes object has properties that allow you to set the attributes SoapAttribute, SoapDefaultValue, SoapElement, SoapEnum, SoapIgnore, and SoapType of a type or member.

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