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SoapReflectionImporterSystem.Xml.Serialization (system.xml.dll)    class 

public class SoapReflectionImporter {
// Public Constructors
   public SoapReflectionImporter( );  
   public SoapReflectionImporter( SoapAttributeOverrides attributeOverrides);  
   public SoapReflectionImporter( SoapAttributeOverrides attributeOverrides, string defaultNamespace);  
   public SoapReflectionImporter( string defaultNamespace);  
// Public Instance Methods
   public XmlMembersMapping ImportMembersMapping( string elementName, string ns, XmlReflectionMember[ ] members);  
   public XmlMembersMapping ImportMembersMapping( string elementName, string ns, XmlReflectionMember[ ] members, 
        bool hasWrapperElement, bool writeAccessors);  
   public XmlMembersMapping ImportMembersMapping( string elementName, string ns, XmlReflectionMember[ ] members, 
        bool hasWrapperElement, bool writeAccessors, bool validate);  
   public XmlTypeMapping ImportTypeMapping( Type type);  
   public XmlTypeMapping ImportTypeMapping( Type type, string defaultNamespace);  
   public void IncludeType( Type type);  
   public void IncludeTypes( System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider provider);  

Although this type is mostly used internally by the .NET Framework, you may create an instance of it in order to call its ImportTypeMapping( ) method to obtain an instance of XmlTypeMapping, which can be passed to the XmlSerializer constructor to serialize an object to SOAP.

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