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XsltArgumentListSystem.Xml.Xsl (system.xml.dll)   sealed class 

public sealed class XsltArgumentList {
// Public Constructors
   public XsltArgumentList( );  
// Public Instance Methods
   public void AddExtensionObject( string namespaceUri, object extension);  
   public void AddParam( string name, string namespaceUri, object parameter);  
   public void Clear( );  
   public object GetExtensionObject( string namespaceUri);  
   public object GetParam( string name, string namespaceUri);  
   public object RemoveExtensionObject( string namespaceUri);  
   public object RemoveParam( string name, string namespaceUri);  

The XsltArgumentList class constructs lists of parameters and node fragment objects that can be called from stylesheets. This type is called as the second argument to the Transform( ) method of XslTransform. Parameters are associated with namespace-qualified names, and objects are associated with their namespace URIs.

The XsltArgumentList can also be used to bind functions and variables into the XSLT engine's execution space�commonly called the XSLT context�for use by the XSLT stylesheet during processing.

Passed To

XslTransform.Transform( )

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