15.3 System.Configuration Namespace Reference
System.Configuration namespace contains classes
that are used to read the contents of the hierarchy of .NET Framework
configuration files. The main workhorse of the
System.Configuration namespace is the
ConfigurationSettings class, whose
staticAppSettings property provides access to a
collection of key-value pairs in the appSettings
section of the configuration files, and whose GetConfig(
) method provides access to other, custom configuration
sections. Another class, AppSettingsReader,
enables typesafe access to configuration settings.
The appSettings configuration section may contain
add, remove, and
clear elements. add causes a
key-value pair to be added to the configuration system.
remove causes a key-value pair to be removed from
the configuration system. clear causes any
key-value pairs already in the configuration system to be removed.
The configuration files themselves are not affected, only the
key-value pairs in memory for an application instance.
Custom configuration sections may be added
using the section element. Each
section element specifies the name of the
configuration section and the name of a type that implements
IConfigurationSectionHandler to handle the
configuration section.
This namespace contains several classes which, although public, are
reserved for internal use by the .NET Framework. No documentation is
included in this quick reference for those classes. Figure 15-1 shows the types in this namespace.
AppSettingsReader | System.Configuration (system.dll) class |
public class AppSettingsReader {
// Public Constructors
public AppSettingsReader( );
// Public Instance Methods
public object GetValue( string key, Type type);
} | |
The AppSettingsReader
provides a single method, GetValue( ), which
allows you to read a value from the configuration file while
specifying the type of object to return.
ConfigurationException | System.Configuration (system.dll) serializable class |
public class ConfigurationException : SystemException {
// Public Constructors
public ConfigurationException( );
public ConfigurationException( string message);
public ConfigurationException( string message, Exception inner);
public ConfigurationException( string message, Exception inner, string filename, int line);
public ConfigurationException( string message, Exception inner, System.Xml.XmlNode node);
public ConfigurationException( string message, string filename, int line);
public ConfigurationException( string message, System.Xml.XmlNode node);
// Protected Constructors
protected ConfigurationException( System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info,
System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context);
// Public Instance Properties
public string BareMessage{get; }
public string Filename{get; }
public int Line{get; }
public override string Message{get; } // overrides Exception
// Public Static Methods
public static string GetXmlNodeFilename( System.Xml.XmlNode node);
public static int GetXmlNodeLineNumber( System.Xml.XmlNode node);
// Public Instance Methods
public override void GetObjectData( System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info,
System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context); // overrides Exception
} | |
This exception indicates that a problem
was encountered in the Configuration system.
ConfigurationSettings | System.Configuration (system.dll) sealed class |
public sealed class ConfigurationSettings {
// Public Static Properties
public static NameValueCollection AppSettings{get; }
// Public Static Methods
public static object GetConfig( string sectionName);
} | |
This class includes a static method and
property that provide access to the configuration settings in the
.NET Framework configuration files. GetConfig( )
returns an object that represents a specific configuration section;
the type of object returned is determined by the configuration
section handler associated with the configuration section by the
section element in the configuration file. The
AppSettings property is a proxy for the
GetConfig( ) method that returns a
NameValueCollection of key-value pairs for the
appSettings configuration section.
DictionarySectionHandler | System.Configuration (system.dll) class |
public class DictionarySectionHandler : IConfigurationSectionHandler {
// Public Constructors
public DictionarySectionHandler( );
// Protected Instance Properties
protected virtual string KeyAttributeName{get; }
protected virtual string ValueAttributeName{get; }
// Public Instance Methods
public virtual object Create( object parent, object context, System.Xml.XmlNode section); // implements IConfigurationSectionHandler
} | |
This type implements
IConfigurationSectionHandler. Its Create(
) method returns a
System.Collections.Hashtable containing all the
key-value pairs read from a configuration section.
IConfigurationSectionHandler | System.Configuration (system.dll) interface |
public interface IConfigurationSectionHandler {
// Public Instance Methods
public object Create( object parent, object configContext, System.Xml.XmlNode section);
} | |
is the interface that all configuration section handlers must
implement. Its Create( ) method reads the
System.Xml.XmlNode passed in and returns a
System.Object containing the configuration
settings for the configuration section.
IgnoreSectionHandler | System.Configuration (system.dll) class |
public class IgnoreSectionHandler : IConfigurationSectionHandler {
// Public Constructors
public IgnoreSectionHandler( );
// Public Instance Methods
public virtual object Create( object parent, object configContext,
System.Xml.XmlNode section);// implements IConfigurationSectionHandler
} | |
IgnoreSectionHandler is used to instruct the configuration
system to ignore the configuration section. Its Create(
) methods always returns null. A
configuration section with this type of configuration section handler
will usually read the XML data from the configuration file using some
method other than the .NET Framework's configuration
NameValueFileSectionHandler | System.Configuration (system.dll) class |
public class NameValueFileSectionHandler : IConfigurationSectionHandler {
// Public Constructors
public NameValueFileSectionHandler( );
// Public Instance Methods
public object Create( object parent, object configContext, System.Xml.XmlNode section);// implements IConfigurationSectionHandler
} | |
This type's
Create( ) method returns a
containing all the key-value pairs read from a configuration section.
It also allows the configuration section element to have an attribute
named file, which contains the name of an external
file containing additional configuration settings. The root element
of the external file must have the same name as the configuration
section. NameValueFileSectionHandler is the
configuration section handler used for the
appSettings configuration section.
NameValueSectionHandler | System.Configuration (system.dll) class |
public class NameValueSectionHandler : IConfigurationSectionHandler {
// Public Constructors
public NameValueSectionHandler( );
// Protected Instance Properties
protected virtual string KeyAttributeName{get; }
protected virtual string ValueAttributeName{get; }
// Public Instance Methods
public object Create( object parent, object context, System.Xml.XmlNode section); // implements IConfigurationSectionHandler
} | |
This type's
Create( ) method returns a
containing all the key-value pairs read from a configuration section.
NameValueSectionHandler behaves identically to
NameValueFileSectionHandler except that it does
not allow the file attribute.
SingleTagSectionHandler | System.Configuration (system.dll) class |
public class SingleTagSectionHandler : IConfigurationSectionHandler {
// Public Constructors
public SingleTagSectionHandler( );
// Public Instance Methods
public virtual object Create( object parent, object context, System.Xml.XmlNode section); // implements IConfigurationSectionHandler
} | |
is the configuration section handler that should be used when the
configuration section consists of a single element with one or more
attributes and without child nodes. Its Create( )
methods returns a System.Collections.Hashtable
whose keys are the attributes' names and whose
values are the attributes' values.