Chapter 10. XML and Web Services
Web Services is the buzz word
that's making the rounds these days, and, in a way,
it's probably the main reason
you're reading this book at all. As
you've seen, there are tons of XML support built
into .NET, and it's all usable in any number of
ways. But one of the ultimate goals of .NET's XML
support is to enable Web Services.
Services is a framework for building distributed applications. That
means that Web Services, by itself, is not a distributed application,
but it provides a mechanism by which you can implement a distributed
I sometimes have trouble deciding whether the term Web
Services is singular or plural. I'll
generally use the plural "Web
Services," capitalized, as if it were singular, when
I'm referring to the concept or mechanism, and the
singular "web service," in lower
case, when I'm talking about a particular
I don't have room here to give a thorough
explanation of building a distributed application using Web Services.
However, what I can do is provide an overview of the concept, show
you the XML schemas behind it, and demonstrate how you can use the
.NET Framework to deal with those schemas.