Look at me
I'm as help-less as a kit-ten
up a tree
And I feel like I'm cling-ing
to a cloud
I can't un-der-stand
I get mis-ty
just hold-ing your hand
Walk my way
and a thou-sand vi-o-lins
be-gin to play
Or it might be the sound
of your hel-lo
That mu-sic I hear
I get mis-ty
the mo-ment you're near
You can say
that you're lead-ing me no
But it's just
what I what you to do
Don't you no-tice how
hope-less-ly I'm lost
That's why I'm fol-lo-wing you
On my own
would I wan-der
through this won-der-land a-lone
Ne-ver know-ing my right
foot from my left
My hat from my glove
I'm too mis-ty
and to much in love
You can say
that you're lead-ing me no
But it's just
what I what you to do
Don't you no-tice how
hope-less-ly I'm lost
That's why I'm fol-lo-wing you
On my own
would I wan-der
through this won-der-land a-lone
Ne-ver know-ing my right
foot from my left
My hat from my glove
I'm too mis-ty
and to much in love...[start]../song/8/8049.MID[stop]