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เพลง: THE LADY IS A VAMP-Spice Girls

Elvis was a coola shaker, 
Marley, Ziggy Melody Maker
She's a Bond babe, kick some ass,
Doctor no, this girl's got class
Charlie's Angels, Girls on top,
handbags,heels their pistols rock
Baby Love are so glam queen,
Sing the blues a love supreme
Sixties Twiggy set the pace,
Way back then she had the face
That's all in the past,
legends built to last,
But she's got something new,
She's a power girl,
in a ninties world,
and she knows just what to do,
Cause the lady is a vamp,
she's a vixen not a tramp,
She's a da da da da da da da,
Come on fellas place your bets
cause you ain't seen nothing yet,
She's the top of the top
she's the best, yes
Jackie O, we loved her so,
Sorry Mr President,
as far as we know
Norma Jean had a seven year itch,
Some like it hot to a fever pitch,
Sandy, Danny,
summer love, Pink Ladies,
T-Birds, the moon above,
That's all in the past,
legends built to last,
But she's got something new,
She's a power girl,
in a ninties world,
She's a downtown swinging dude,
Cause the lady is a vamp,
she's a vixen not a tramp,
she's a da da da da da da da,
Come on fellas place your bets
cause you ain't seen nothing yet,
She's the top of the top
she's the best, yes
Yes now that's your lot,
We're the Spice Girls ready to go,
Ladies and gents
can you please take your seats,
and we hope that
you enjoy the show

Thank you very much...[start]../song/8/8971.MID[stop]

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