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[of an egg] [is] infertile; unable to develop
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Royal Thai General System
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  " ตายด้าน "
adjective, verb, intransitive, phrase
to be insensitive, to fail to explode or ignite; not sexually aroused

" ตายน้ำตื้น "
to fail due to a small error

" ตายห่า "
to die of cholera or certain other epidemics

" ตารางกิโลเมตร "
square kilometer

" ตาสีตาสา "
[same as ตามีตามา] unsophisticate; simpleton; innocent
an innocent; simpleton; unsophisticate

" ต่ำช้า "
adjective, phrase, colloquial, vulgar, sarcastic-humorous
[showing strong disapproval] [is] degraded; depraved; low and mean; corrupted; contaminated; morally bad

" ตำรวจทางหลวง "
the highway patrol

" ตำหนิติเตียน "
verb, phrase
to reprimand; blame; reprove; reproach; rebuke; condemn; censure

" ติด "
verb, intransitive
[of a person] to become (figuratively) fixated (on something); to think about (something) to an extreme and excessive degree; to be (figuratively) absorbed; to be obsessed (with someone or something); to be crazy or mad about; to be fascinated by
[preposition usage] attached to; on
[ติดใจ] [is] suspicious; doubtful
verb, transitive
to start, to light, to ignite, to light up or light (something) up, to kindle a fire
verb, transitive, colloquial
[of diseases and serious ilnesses] to get, have, contract, catch, acquire, be afflicted with, develop, come down with
adjective, adverb
consecutive; successive; running; adjacent; next; adjoining; beside; bordering; cheek by jowl; close; near; neighbouring; next door; touching
[ติด ๆ] consecutively
verb, transitive
to decorate; adorn; beautify; embellish; festoon; ornament; to do up (informal); color; furbish; paint; paper; install; renovate; wallpaper; to pin (a medal on)
[is] close to; attached to; clinging to; adjacent to; side by side with; snuggled up to; enclosed within
[ติดใจ] [is] enthralled by; attracted to; enamored of; yearning for; in love with; crazy for
[is] (physically) stopped; caught in; stuck; blocked; obstructed; interfered with; interrupted; halted; brought to a standstill
verb, transitive
to be addicted to; to form a habit
verb, transitive, intransitive
to ask to travel along (in someone's vehicle); to ride along (with someone)
verb, transitive
to attach physically; to impress (a seal); to stamp; to affix; to stick; to fix; to glue; to hold fast; to fasten; to paste
verb, transitive, intransitive
to set (something) up (so that it) exists, remain, be alive or be there to stay
verb, intransitive
[used of plants that bear fruits] to be successful in fruiting
verb, transitive
to be imprisoned; to be jailed; to be confines; to be detained; to be incarcerated; to be locked up; to be put away; to be sent down
verb, intransitive, adverb
a bit; rather; somewhat; pretty; quite
verb, transitive, intransitive
to owe or be indebted (committed or obligated to repay a monetary loan); to be in debt, to be in arrears to be obligated or indebted
verb, transitive, intransitive
to visit; to talk in order to make an agreement; to communicate; to go through
verb, transitive
to impart (color) by means of a dye
verb, intransitive
[as a dye] to impart color
verb, intransitive
to become colored or absorb color when treated with a dye
to designate
[ไม่ติด] [of an engine] won't start
proper noun
[ปลาติด] any one of several species of fishes belonging to Echeneidae (Echeneis, Remora, and allied) genera. Also called: Sucking Fish (E. naucrates), Shark Sucker - Echeneis naucrates Linnaeus; Swordfish Sucker - Remora brachyptera; Remora - Remora remora

" ติดใจ "
[ติดใจ] [is] suspicious; doubtful

" ติดตัว "
to apply to one's self

" ติดพ่อ "
[is] close—and often dependent—on one's father [implying derogation]

" ติดสาว "
to be infatuated (obsessed, besotted, bewitched, captivated, carried away, enamoured, enraptured, fascinated, possessed) with/by a woman or young girl

" ติด ๆ "
[ติด ๆ] consecutively

" ตีเกราะเคาะไม้ "
to beat the drums as a warning

" ตีฝ่า "
verb, transitive
to break through (the enemy line)

" ตี๋ "
noun, loanword, Chinese
[อาตี๋] [แต้จิ๋ว  dialect] a Chinese boy
noun, loanword, Chinese
[แต้จิ๋ว  dialect] younger brother

" ตึกสูง "
high-rise building; skyscraper; tall building

" ตือฮวน "
swine entrails; pig intestine

" ตุลาการภิวัฒน์ "
judicial activism; judicial power

" ตู้เสบียง "
dining car (of a train)

" เต็มคราบ "
to one's full; to the utmost capacity

" เตรียมพร้อม "
to get ready

" เต่าทอง "
[a type of] small tortoise

" เตียน "
[is] cleared; cleaned; leveled; flat

" แตกแขนง "
verb, intransitive
to put out branches; branch out

" แต่งเมีย "
verb, intransitive, poetic
to find a wife for oneself

" โตปิกา "
proper noun, geographical
Topeka, the capital city of แคนซัส (Kansas)

" ไตรจักร "
the Hindu three worlds (Bhuloka, Antarloka, and Sivaloka)

" ถนัดปาก "
[is] able to speak freely; able to speak without constraint