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How to read and speak thai
English Language
noun, proper noun, person, phrase, formal, loanword, Pali
[royal] a title of royal or high rank for the kings, the queens, their children; for the high-ranking Buddhist monks
Thai Language
Speak Thai
Phonemic Thai

Royal Thai General System
somdet phra
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  " สมเด็จพระเจ้าลูกเธอ เจ้าฟ้าอุบลรัตนราชกัญญา สิริวัฒนาพรรณวดี "
proper noun, person, phrase, formal
The Former Her Royal Highness Princess Ubol Rattana Rajakanya Siriwattana Panawadee (the formal and official name and royal title of the first daughter of their Majesties the King and Queen)

" สมเด็จพระนางเจ้า "
noun, proper noun, person, phrase, formal
[royal] the royal title placed in front of Her Majesty the Queen's name

" สมถกรรมฐาน "
noun, phrase, formal
the Buddhist meditation

" สมบูรณ์ "
[is] perfect; complete; absolute; abundant; [grammar] past, present and future perfect tenses
proper noun, person, formal, loanword, Pali
Somboon [a Thai male given name] (perfect, complete)
[ทำให้สมบูรณ์] to complete; to make perfect

" สมพงษ์ "
proper noun, person, formal, loanword, Sanskrit
Sompong; Somphong [a Thai given name]

" สมมุติ "
[alternate pronunciation of สมมุติ ]

" สมศักดิ์ "
proper noun
Somsak [a Thai given name]

" สมองไหล "
brain drain; loss of expertise to another country or area

" สมัยกรุงศรีอยุธยา "
proper noun
[สมัยกรุงศรีอยุธยา] [Thai History] The Ayutthaya Period

" สมาคมนักข่าวนักหนังสือพิมพ์แห่งประเทศไทย "
proper noun
Thai Journalists Association

" สมาน "
verb, transitive, loanword, Pali
to unite; to bring together dissenting factions; cement; connect; bind; join; combine; incorporate
verb, transitive
to patch up; reconcile; to heal; to repair

" สมุดโทรศัพท์ "
telephone directory

" สมุห์ "
noun, loanword, Pali
the chief or principal person in a company or group
noun, loanword, Pali
a multitude; an assemblage; an aggregation

" สยามสแควร์ "
proper noun, geographical
Siam Square, a Bangkok shopping area

" สรรเสริญวีรบุรุษ "
verb, phrase
to extol heroism; praise heroes

" สระอะ "
[name of, and pronunciation when spelling for] the Thai vowel symbol 'ะ'

" สริตา "
proper noun
Sarita [a Thai given name]

" สลัดภาระงาน "
verb, phrase
to set aside one’s burden; put away one’s work

" สไลด์ "
noun, loanword, English
[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] slide; a photographic slide

" ส่วนโค้งไฮเพอร์โบลา "
hyperbolic curve

" ส่วนตน "
private; personal

" สวัสดิการ "
noun, phrase, loanword, Pali
welfare; (job) security; fringe/employment benefit

" สหประชาชาติ "
proper noun
United Nations

" สองวันที่แล้ว "
two days ago

" สอบไม่ผ่าน "
verb, phrase
to fail to pass (a test)

" สะเด็ดน้ำ "
[metaphor] [is] drained away; disappeared [as a problem]; fully completed

" สะเพร่า "
careless; neglectful

" สั่งงาน "
to assign work; give orders

" สังวรไว้ "
[สังวรไว้] to pay heed to; bear in mind

" สัญลักษณ์ "
noun, formal, loanword, Sanskrit
sign; [figure of speech] symbol; symbolism