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  " อยู่ยงคงมั่น "
adjective, phrase
[is] invincibile; inviolabile; no harm shall come to the wearer

" อยู่รอด "
to survive

" อยู่เหนือการควบคุม "
to lie beyond one’s control

" อรรถรส "
beautiful wording; beautiful words; (poetic) flavor; feelings; aesthetic quality

" อรัญญิก "
forest; jungle; woods

" อริสโตเติล "
proper noun, loanword, Greek
[Thai transciption of foreign loan word "Aristotle"]

" อล่างฉ่าง "
[alternate spelling of อล่องฉ่อง ]

" อเล็กซานเดอร์ม "
proper noun
Alexander [a given name]

" อวดโอ่ "
to show off; flaunt

" อวยพรวันเกิด "
Happy Birthday

" อสัญกรรม "

" ออกเดินทาง "
verb, phrase
to depart (for an airflight, for example); leave; take off

" ออกรบ "
to do battle; to go out and fight

" ออกซีเตตราไซคลีน "
noun, proper noun, formal, loanword, English
[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] "oxytetracycline"—เทอราไมซิน (Terramycin)

" อ่อนน้อมถ่อมตน "
adjective, phrase
[is] modest; humble; well-mannered

" ออนไลน์ "
noun, loanword, English
[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] "on-line", "online"

" ออสเตรเลีย "
proper noun, geographical, adjective
Australia; Australian
proper noun, geographical
[ประเทศออสเตรเลีย] Australia

" อะไรต่อมิอะไร "
pronoun, phrase
various things; a lot of stuff; innumerable things; whatever

" อักษรควบ "
[Thai grammar] consonant cluster; consonant combination (see Consonant Clusters)

" อังการา "
proper noun, geographical
Ankara, the capital city of Turkey

" อัตลักษณ์ "
identity; persona; individuality

" อันสมควร "
reasonable; right; correct

" อัปสรา "
proper noun
Apsara [name given to angelic dancing figures carved on Angkor Wat]

" อัลมาอาตา "
proper noun, geographical
Alma Ata, a city in Kazakhstan

" อาการข้างเคียง "
side effects (of a medication, for example)

" อาคารเรียน "
school building; education building

" อาชญาสิทธิ์ "
[alternate pronunciation of อาชญาสิทธิ์]

" อานม้า "
a horse's saddle

" อ้าย "
noun, pronoun, colloquial, ancient
the eldest son; an elder brother
noun, pronoun, ancient
[titular honorific, used mostly in the country (the northern or northeastern provinces) by placing it in front of men's first names or nicknames] [see Notes]
adjective, archaic, ancient
first; one
noun, colloquial
[of animals—word placed in front of an animal's name to indicate masculine gender]
prefix, colloquial, ancient
[word used by a superior male by placing it in front of an inferior male's name or nickname, e.g. a master calling servant]
prefix, colloquial, ancient
[word used among male friends by placing it in front of nicknames to indicate their strong male bond or companionship]
prefix, colloquial, vulgar
[a derogatory prefix placed in front of male names or nicknames to express insult—usually used in a negative way]
prefix, colloquial, ancient
[an ancient prefix adults use by placing it in front of boys' or much younger men's names/nicknames to express familiarity or kind fondness]
prefix, colloquial
[word used in front of some words or phrases to express emphasis in a general way]
prefix, colloquial, vulgar
[impolite prefix used in front of some words or phrases to express reprimand]
[special pronoun used to refer to what is well understood]

" อารัมภกถา "
preface; introduction; foreword