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[alternate spelling of อัฟกานิสถาน ]
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  " อาภัพเหมือนปูน "
verb, phrase
to have one's hard work ignored

" อามิส "
noun, Pali
temptation; inducement; incentive; remuneration
noun, Pali
want; thirst; lust; desire
noun, Pali
food; prosperity; gifts; comforts

" อ้าย "
noun, pronoun, colloquial, ancient
the eldest son; an elder brother
noun, pronoun, ancient
[titular honorific, used mostly in the country (the northern or northeastern provinces) by placing it in front of men's first names or nicknames] [see Notes]
adjective, archaic, ancient
first; one
noun, colloquial
[of animals—word placed in front of an animal's name to indicate masculine gender]
prefix, colloquial, ancient
[word used by a superior male by placing it in front of an inferior male's name or nickname, e.g. a master calling servant]
prefix, colloquial, ancient
[word used among male friends by placing it in front of nicknames to indicate their strong male bond or companionship]
prefix, colloquial, vulgar
[a derogatory prefix placed in front of male names or nicknames to express insult—usually used in a negative way]
prefix, colloquial, ancient
[an ancient prefix adults use by placing it in front of boys' or much younger men's names/nicknames to express familiarity or kind fondness]
prefix, colloquial
[word used in front of some words or phrases to express emphasis in a general way]
prefix, colloquial, vulgar
[impolite prefix used in front of some words or phrases to express reprimand]
[special pronoun used to refer to what is well understood]

" อายุงาน "
employment history; duration of employment

" อายุรเวท "
medical science; science of healing/medicine

" อาร์ชี "
proper noun, loanword, English
Archie [an English given name]

" อารมณ์แห่งกวีนิพนธ์ "
noun, phrase, formal
poetics; moods of poetry

" อาราธนาศีล "
[อาราธนาศีล] to request (a reading of) the precepts (from a monk)

" อ่าวป่าตอง  "
proper noun, geographical
Patong Bay

" อาศัยอยู่ "
to occupy; to live; to dwell at a place

" อาหาร "
food; meal; diet

" อาหารไทย "
Thai food

" อาหารเหลือ "
food leftovers

" อำนาจไร้กรอบ "
unchecked power; unlimited power

" อิซาเบล "
proper noun, loanword, English
Isabel [an English given name]

" อินเดียนาโปลิส "
proper noun, geographical
Indianapolis, the capital city of อินเดียนา (Indiana)

" อินสตาแกรม "
proper noun, loanword, English
[Thai transcription of foreign loan word] Instagram

" อิสร "
[alternate spelling of อิสระ ]

" อีกต่างหาก "
also; in addition; furthermore

" อีนิด "
proper noun, loanword, English
Enid [an English given name]

" อีเอ็มบอล "
[Thai transcription of foreign word] effective microorganism ball

" อุ้ง "
concave cavity, a hollowed out space

" อุตสาหกรรมการผลิต "
manufacturing industry

" อุบลวรรณ "
proper noun
Ubonwan [a Thai given name]

" อุปมาอุปไมยจำเพาะส่วน "
noun, phrase

" อู่รถ "
garage; auto repair garage

" เอ็กซ์ "
[Thai pronunciation of the English letter,] 'X'
adjective, colloquial, loanword, English
[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] "X" or "x"; [with sexual connotation as in, for example, "xxx porn"]

" เอทิล "
[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] ethyl
Ethyl [an English given name]

" เอราวัณ "
noun, proper noun, Sanskrit
Erawan; Indra's three-headed elephant

" เอ้อเฮอ "
A-ha!; an exclamation of surprise