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[alternate spelling of แอริค ]
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Royal Thai General System
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  " เอลเอสดี "
noun, loanword, English
LSD; LSD 25, lysergic acid diethylamide

" เอลลี่ย์ "
proper noun, loanword, English
Ellie [an English given name]

" เอวบางร่างน้อย "
adjective, phrase
[is] slender; slight

" เอ็ส "
[alternate spelling of เอส]

" เอหิภิกขุอุปสัมปทา "
an ordination of a bikkhu done by Buddha himself

" เออร์นี่ "
proper noun, loanword, English
Ernie [an English given name]

" เอะอะมะเทิ่ง "
adjective, colloquial, idiom
boisterous; tumultuous
verb, intransitive, colloquial, idiom
to be boisterous; tumultuous; noisy

" เอาใจ "
try to please; behave well; please

" เอาเถิด "
okay; o.k.

" เอาล่ะ "
interjection, phrase
"Are you ready?" — "Ok?"

" เอิ๊กอ๊าก "
[onomatopoeia] sound of laughing heartily

" เอี่ยว "
[is] involved in; part of

" แอก "
oppression; tyranny; rule of force
yoke (for water buffalo, for example)

" แอตแลนติก "
proper noun, geographical, adjective, loanword, English
[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] Atlantic; Atlantic

" แอนนา "
proper noun, loanword, English
Anna [an English given name]

" แอมแปร์ "
noun, loanword, English
Ampere, a measure of electric current

" แอสฟัลต์ "
noun, loanword, English

" โอนกรรมสิทธิ์ "
verb, phrase
to transfer title to property or a plot of land

" โอรังลาอุต "
proper noun, loanword, Malay
Orang Laut - a Malay ethnic group and language of the coasts and islands of the Thai-Malay peninsula and beyond, historically living in nomadic boat communities

" ไอพอด "
proper noun, loanword, English

" ไอเดีย "
noun, loanword, English
[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] idea

" ฮวงซุ้ย "
[alternate spelling of ฮวงจุ้ว]

" ฮัม "
verb, loanword, English
[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] hum; to hum

" ฮิปปี "
noun, loanword, English
[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] "hippy"; "hippie"

" เฮกซา "
prefix, loanword, English
[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] hexa-

" แฮ็ก "
verb, loanword, English
[Thai transcription of foreign loanword] hack (to hack a computer system)

" ไฮดี้ "
proper noun, loanword, English
Heidi [an English given name]

" "
a.) — [indicating the first item in a list]; Mr. A.
[The first letter of the Thai alphabet]

" ก่ง "
to bend, curve, or arch an object

" กดออด "
verb, colloquial
to ring a doorbell