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to survive; get by; manage just to live
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  " เอาแต่ใจ "
adjective, phrase
[is] self-centered; out only for oneself; selfish; inconsiderate

" เอาเถิด "
okay; o.k.

" เอาไปใช้ "
to use; make use of; utilize

" เอาเรื่อง "
to take action; try to fix (a problem)

" เอาหน้า "
verb, phrase
to show off; take credit (for some accomplishment)

" เอาท์พุต "
noun, loanword, English
[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] output

" เอี้ยง "
birds of the family Sturnidae

" เอื้อ "
to help, aid, or do a favor for someone

" เอื้อย "
noun, pronoun, ancient
eldest sister; eldest daughter; [titular honorific, used mostly in the country by placing it in front of women's first names or nicknames]
proper noun, person
Euuy [a Thai female nickname]

" แอชลี่ "
proper noun, loanword, English
Ashleigh; Ashlee [an English given name]

" แอนเจลีน่า "
proper noun, loanword, English
Angelina [an English given name]

" แอนนี่ "
proper noun, loanword, English
Annie [an English given name]

" แอมเบอร์เกอร์ "
noun, loanword, English
[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] hamburger

" แอลลิสัน "
proper noun, loanword, English
Allison [an English given name]

" โอ่งน้ำ "
cistern; water jar (huge jar for storing water at Thai homes)

" โอบเอว "
to hug (someone around the waist); embrace

" โอษฐ์ "
adjective, loanword, Pali
oral, of or pertaining to mouth
noun, formal
[พระโอษฐ์] [royalty] mouth

" ไอ้แก่หัวงู "
noun, phrase, figurative, colloquial, idiom, sarcastic-humorous
[colloquial expletive idiom showing strong disapproval] a dirty rotten tricky old man who likes to seduce or like seducing young girls

" ไอแพด "
noun, loanword, English
[Thai transcription of foreign word] iPad

" ฮวย "
noun, loanword, Chinese
[Chinese] flower

" ฮันโนเวอร์ "
proper noun, geographical
Hanover, a city in Germany

" ฮิญาบ "
Hijab, the Muslim cloak worn by women

" ฮุก "
[alternate pronunciation of ฮุก]

" เฮา "
[Isaan dialect] [1st person plural pronoun] we

" โฮมเพจ "
proper noun, loanword, English
[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword, "home page"]

" "
a.) — [indicating the first item in a list]; Mr. A.
[The first letter of the Thai alphabet]

" กงเกวียนกำเกวียน "
verb, phrase
to reap what one deserves as the fruit of one's own actions.

" กดดัน "
to pressure; compel; force; oppress; press

" กนกพร "
proper noun
Ganokpon; Kanokporn [a Thai given name]

" กรณีจำเป็น "
case of necessity