function convertRgb(rgb) {
// This will choose the correct separator, if there is a "," in your value it will use a comma, otherwise, a separator will not be used.
var separator = rgb.indexOf(",") > -1 ? "," : " ";
// This will convert "rgb(r,g,b)" into [r,g,b] so we can use the "+" to convert them back to numbers before using toString
rgb = rgb.substr(4).split(")")[0].split(separator);
// Here we will convert the decimal values to hexadecimal using toString(16)
var r = (+rgb[0]).toString(16),
g = (+rgb[1]).toString(16),
b = (+rgb[2]).toString(16);
if (r.length == 1)
r = "0" + r;
if (g.length == 1)
g = "0" + g;
if (b.length == 1)
b = "0" + b;
// The return value is a concatenation of "#" plus the rgb values which will give you your hex
return "#" + r + g + b;