
how to add picture to picture video js in old library in js

1 : /**
2 :  * @file picture-in-picture-toggle.js
3 :  */
4 : import Button from '../button.js';
5 : import Component from '../component.js';
6 : import document from 'global/document';
7 : 
8 : /**
9 :  * Toggle Picture-in-Picture mode
10 :  *
11 :  * @extends Button
12 :  */
13 : class PictureInPictureToggle extends Button {
14 : 
15 :   /**
16 :    * Creates an instance of this class.
17 :    *
18 :    * @param {Player} player
19 :    *        The `Player` that this class should be attached to.
20 :    *
21 :    * @param {Object} [options]
22 :    *        The key/value store of player options.
23 :    *
24 :    * @listens Player#enterpictureinpicture
25 :    * @listens Player#leavepictureinpicture
26 :    */
27 :   constructor(player, options) {
28 :     super(player, options);
29 :     this.on(player, ['enterpictureinpicture', 'leavepictureinpicture'], (e) => this.handlePictureInPictureChange(e));
30 :     this.on(player, ['disablepictureinpicturechanged', 'loadedmetadata'], (e) => this.handlePictureInPictureEnabledChange(e));
31 : 
32 :     this.on(player, ['loadedmetadata', 'audioonlymodechange', 'audiopostermodechange'], () => {
33 :       // This audio detection will not detect HLS or DASH audio-only streams because there was no reliable way to detect them at the time
34 :       const isSourceAudio = player.currentType().substring(0, 5) === 'audio';
35 : 
36 :       if (isSourceAudio || player.audioPosterMode() || player.audioOnlyMode()) {
37 :         if (player.isInPictureInPicture()) {
38 :           player.exitPictureInPicture();
39 :         }
40 :         this.hide();
41 :       } else {
42 :;
43 :       }
44 : 
45 :     });
46 : 
47 :     // TODO: Deactivate button on player emptied event.
48 :     this.disable();
49 :   }
50 : 
51 :   /**
52 :    * Builds the default DOM `className`.
53 :    *
54 :    * @return {string}
55 :    *         The DOM `className` for this object.
56 :    */
57 :   buildCSSClass() {
58 :     return `vjs-picture-in-picture-control ${super.buildCSSClass()}`;
59 :   }
60 : 
61 :   /**
62 :    * Enables or disables button based on document.pictureInPictureEnabled property value
63 :    * or on value returned by player.disablePictureInPicture() method.
64 :    */
65 :   handlePictureInPictureEnabledChange() {
66 :     if (document.pictureInPictureEnabled && this.player_.disablePictureInPicture() === false) {
67 :       this.enable();
68 :     } else {
69 :       this.disable();
70 :     }
71 :   }
72 : 
73 :   /**
74 :    * Handles enterpictureinpicture and leavepictureinpicture on the player and change control text accordingly.
75 :    *
76 :    * @param {EventTarget~Event} [event]
77 :    *        The {@link Player#enterpictureinpicture} or {@link Player#leavepictureinpicture} event that caused this function to be
78 :    *        called.
79 :    *
80 :    * @listens Player#enterpictureinpicture
81 :    * @listens Player#leavepictureinpicture
82 :    */
83 :   handlePictureInPictureChange(event) {
84 :     if (this.player_.isInPictureInPicture()) {
85 :       this.controlText('Exit Picture-in-Picture');
86 :     } else {
87 :       this.controlText('Picture-in-Picture');
88 :     }
89 :     this.handlePictureInPictureEnabledChange();
90 :   }
91 : 
92 :   /**
93 :    * This gets called when an `PictureInPictureToggle` is "clicked". See
94 :    * {@link ClickableComponent} for more detailed information on what a click can be.
95 :    *
96 :    * @param {EventTarget~Event} [event]
97 :    *        The `keydown`, `tap`, or `click` event that caused this function to be
98 :    *        called.
99 :    *
100 :    * @listens tap
101 :    * @listens click
102 :    */
103 :   handleClick(event) {
104 :     if (!this.player_.isInPictureInPicture()) {
105 :       this.player_.requestPictureInPicture();
106 :     } else {
107 :       this.player_.exitPictureInPicture();
108 :     }
109 :   }
110 : 
111 : }
112 : 
113 : /**
114 :  * The text that should display over the `PictureInPictureToggle`s controls. Added for localization.
115 :  *
116 :  * @type {string}
117 :  * @private
118 :  */
119 : PictureInPictureToggle.prototype.controlText_ = 'Picture-in-Picture';
120 : 
121 : Component.registerComponent('PictureInPictureToggle', PictureInPictureToggle);
122 : export default PictureInPictureToggle;
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