//This code will read the documents from the MongoDB collection
// (the export functionality) and then writes to a file as JSON.
// This file is used to read (the import functionality) and
// insert the JSON into another collection.
// The code uses MongoDB NodeJS driver.
//Reads from the collection inCollection based upon a supplied query,
//and writes to a file as JSON "out_file.json".
const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
const fs = require('fs');
const dbName = 'testDB';
const client = new MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017', { useUnifiedTopology:true });
client.connect(function(err) {
//assert.equal(null, err);
console.log('Connected successfully to server');
const db = client.db(dbName);
getDocuments(db, function(docs) {
console.log('Closing connection.');
// Write to file
try {
fs.writeFileSync('out_file.json', JSON.stringify(docs));
console.log('Done writing to file.');
catch(err) {
console.log('Error writing to file', err)
const getDocuments = function(db, callback) {
const query = { }; // this is your query criteria
.toArray(function(err, result) {
if (err) throw err;