settings.addBoolean(title, value, callback); // creates a checkbox
settings.addButton(title, callback); // creates a button
settings.addColor(title, color, callback); // creates a color input
settings.addDate(title, date, callback); // adds a date input
settings.addDropDown(title, [items], callback); // creates a dropdown list
settings.addElement(title, htmlELement); // adds any arbitrary HTML element to the panel
settings.addFileChooser(title, labelStr, filter, callback); // adds a file chooser
settings.addHTML(title, htmlString); // adds any arbitrary HTML to the panel
settings.addImage(title, imageURL, callback); // creates and image element with the specified URL
settings.addNumber(title, min, max, value, step, callback); // creates a number input
settings.addPassword(title, text, callback); // adds a password text field
settings.addProgressBar(title, max, value, valueDisplay); // creates a progress bar
settings.addRange(title, min, max, value, step, callback); // creates a range slider
settings.addText(title, text, callback); // creates an input text field
settings.addTextArea(title, text, callback); // creates a resizable text area
settings.addTime(title, time, callback); // adds a time input