# Radix sort in Python
# Using counting sort to sort the elements in the basis of significant places
def countingSort(array, place):
size = len(array)
output = [0] * size
count = [0] * 10
# Calculate count of elements
for i in range(0, size):
index = array[i] // place
count[index % 10] += 1
# Calculate cumulative count
for i in range(1, 10):
count[i] += count[i - 1]
# Place the elements in sorted order
i = size - 1
while i >= 0:
index = array[i] // place
output[count[index % 10] - 1] = array[i]
count[index % 10] -= 1
i -= 1
for i in range(0, size):
array[i] = output[i]
# Main function to implement radix sort
def radixSort(array):
# Get maximum element
max_element = max(array)
# Apply counting sort to sort elements based on place value.
place = 1
while max_element // place > 0:
countingSort(array, place)
place *= 10
data = [121, 432, 564, 23, 1, 45, 788]