# importing all required libraries
import telebot
from telethon.sync import TelegramClient
from telethon.tl.types import InputPeerUser, InputPeerChannel
from telethon import TelegramClient, sync, events
# get your api_id, api_hash, token
# from telegram as described above
api_id = 'API_id'
api_hash = 'API_hash'
token = 'bot token'
message = "Working..."
# your phone number
# creating a telegram session and assigning
# it to a variable client
client = TelegramClient('session', api_id, api_hash)
# connecting and building the session
# in case of script ran first time it will
# ask either to input token or otp sent to
# number or sent or your telegram id
if not client.is_user_authorized():
# signing in the client
client.sign_in(phone, input('Enter the code: '))
# receiver user_id and access_hash, use
# my user_id and access_hash for reference
receiver = InputPeerUser('user_id', 'user_hash')
# sending message using telegram client
client.send_message(receiver, message, parse_mode='html')
except Exception as e:
# there may be many error coming in while like peer
# error, wrong access_hash, flood_error, etc
# disconnecting the telegram session