a = 3
b = 4
# Arithmetic Operators
print("The value of 3+4 is ", 3+4)
print("The value of 3-4 is ", 3-4)
print("The value of 3*4 is ", 3*4)
print("The value of 3/4 is ", 3/4)
# Assignment Operators
a = 34
a -= 12
a *= 12
a /= 12
# Comparison Operators
# b = (14<=7)
# b = (14>=7)
# b = (14<7)
# b = (14>7)
# b = (14==7)
b = (14!=7)
# Logical Operators
bool1 = True
bool2 = False
print("The value of bool1 and bool2 is", (bool1 and bool2))
print("The value of bool1 or bool2 is", (bool1 or bool2))
print("The value of not bool2 is", (not bool2))