import pygame as pg
import numpy as np
import time as t
import random as r
import pdb
screen = pg.display.set_mode((600,600),pg.DOUBLEBUF)
playing = True
line_picture_vert = pg.image.load("line.png").convert_alpha()
line_picture_horiz = pg.transform.rotate(line_picture_vert, 90)
x_picture = pg.image.load("x.png").convert_alpha()
o_picture = pg.image.load("o.png").convert_alpha()
grid = np.zeros((3,3), dtype="int")
def draw_grid(screen):
screen.blit(line_picture_vert,(195, 0))
screen.blit(line_picture_horiz,(0, 195))
screen.blit(line_picture_vert,(395, 0))
screen.blit(line_picture_horiz,(0, 395))
for x in range(3):
for y in range(3):
if grid[y, x] == 1:
screen.blit(x_picture,(x*200, y*200))
elif grid[y, x] == 2:
screen.blit(o_picture,(x*200, y*200))
def draw_win_lines(screen, grid_win_line, line_animation):
for line in grid_win_line:
posx = line[0][0] + (line[1][0] - line[0][0]) * line_animation
posy = line[0][1] + (line[1][1] - line[0][1]) * line_animation
pg.draw.line(screen, (200,200,200), line[0], (posx,posy), width=10)
def calculate_mouse_pos(mx, my):
mrx = int(mx/200)
mry = int(my/200)
return mrx, mry
def calculate_if_row(grid):
win = 0
grid_win_line = []
line_width = 10
half_l_w = int(line_width/2)
for y in range(3):
if grid[y, 0] == grid[y, 1] and grid[y, 1] == grid[y, 2] and grid[y, 0] != 0:
win = grid[y, 0]
for x in range(3):
if grid[0, x] == grid[1, x] and grid[1, x] == grid[2, x] and grid[2, x] != 0:
win = grid[0, x]
grid_win_line.append([[x*200+100-half_l_w, 100-half_l_w],[x*200+100-half_l_w, 500-half_l_w]])
if grid[0, 0] == grid[1, 1] and grid[1, 1] == grid[2, 2] and grid[1, 1] != 0:
win = grid[1, 1]
if grid[2, 0] == grid[1, 1] and grid[1, 1] == grid[0, 2] and grid[1, 1] != 0:
win = grid[1, 1]
return win, grid_win_line
turn = 1
win = 0
grid_win_line = []
grid_change = True
line_animation = 0
deltaTime = 0
clock = pg.time.Clock()
while playing:
for e in pg.event.get():
if e.type == pg.QUIT:
playing = False
if e.type == pg.KEYDOWN:
if e.key == pg.K_ESCAPE:
playing = False
if e.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
mousebtn = pg.mouse.get_pressed()
mx, my = pg.mouse.get_pos()
if mousebtn[0]:
mrx, mry = calculate_mouse_pos(mx, my)
if grid[mry, mrx] == 0 and win == 0:
grid[mry,mrx] = turn
turn = turn % 2 + 1
grid_change = True
if grid_change:
win, grid_win_line = calculate_if_row(grid)
draw_win_lines(screen, grid_win_line, line_animation)
if win != 0 and line_animation < 1:
line_animation += 0.01
grid_change = False
deltaTime = clock.tick(60)